Hoy, el equipo de ndThread introdujo una nueva y poderosa mejora en ndThread: la capacidad de silenciar la actividad de los hilos y configurar, en el espacio de trabajo y los niveles de los hilos, cómo se informa a un usuario de la actividad de los hilos. De la descripción de una línea anterior, esta mejora no parece significativa, pero cambiará radicalmente la forma en que todos experimentan ndThread.
Our original goal was quite simple: allow a user to mute a workspace or a thread so that ndThread will not make the user aware of new activity in any muted locations. This supports the user who wants to keep an eye on what is going on, if and when they like, but not have that activity forced to occupy their attention. Previously, if a user did not want to be made aware of activity in a thread, the user’s only option was to leave the thread (or the entire workspace). However, leaving a thread eliminates the user’s ability to read the thread, and no one else can @mention that user there anymore. With the muting option, the user can remain in the thread and follow and participate in discussions as they choose, and others can “call out” to the user as needed with an @mention.
Mientras consideramos el impacto que tendría el silenciamiento, nos enfocamos más de cerca en las dos formas en que ndThread hace que un usuario sea consciente de la nueva actividad:
Este enfoque mejorado nos llevó a expandir el alcance de la mejora de dos formas críticas:
First, we will allow muting to be applied not only at the workspace or thread levels, but also at the user-account level. Muting at the user-account level gives the user the ability to choose how they want to interact with ndThread: as an Opt-In user or as an Opt-Out user?
The second critical change was to allow push notifications to be configured at the workspace and thread levels. For example, a user may choose at the account level to never receive desktop notifications, but for a particularly important workspace, that user can override the account-level preference and choose to receive desktop notifications for every message added to that workspace. Similarly, the user might choose to receive an email for every message in a particularly time-sensitive thread, but at the account level receive emails only when the user has been @mentioned.
Hay varios otros aspectos de esta nueva mejora a tener en cuenta:
Considere si es más como un usuario de exclusión voluntaria o un usuario de inclusión voluntaria y configure sus preferencias en consecuencia. De cualquier manera, para cualquier espacio de trabajo o subproceso, configure sus preferencias tan detalladamente como necesite para obtener el mayor beneficio de ndThread.