Conferencia NetDocuments Inspire 2021 para celebrar la innovación de clientes y socios

octubre 22, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah
ndMAX introduces AI-powered solutions that address a range of legal workflows
securely inside NetDocuments, helping legal professionals responsibly adopt generative AI technology.
PatternBuilder MAX, the first product in the ndMAX AI suite, is in full production with select customers and will be widely available in Q3 2023.

NetDocuments, the leading cloud content management platform where legal professionals do work, will be hosting its Inspire virtual conference noviembre 2-4th. Complementary registration is open to all legal professionals thru octubre 27. Inspire celebrates customer and partner success and features interactive product sessions, office hours with subject-matter experts, insightful keynotes, and content that will be broadcast around the world.

In 2020, NetDocuments launched Inspirado en el trabajo to describe the “why” behind NetDocuments – and illustrate how its helping teams work inspired with greater productivity, collaboration, and security. At ILTACON 2021, the NetDocuments team described its trajectory and how customers are powering their business with the cloud platform. And now, Inspire 2021 will capture the power of Inspirado en el trabajo with intentional innovation– innovation that you can depend on. Innovation that is inspired by how legal teams operate around the world.

El noviembre 2 (primer día) se centrará en la presentación corporativa con actualizaciones de productos y negocios, historias de clientes compartidas, la celebración de los ganadores del NetDocuments Hackathon inaugural y una exhibición ampliada de premios al cliente. noviembre 3 (segundo día) contará con "Story Time" con Alvin Tedjamulia y destacará al cofundador y director de tecnología de NetDocuments, conocido por sus infames sesiones de apertura. El día también incluye charlas ejecutivas y una exclusiva sesión de preguntas y respuestas con los medios legales. noviembre 4 (día tres), trata sobre la innovación impulsada por los socios y cómo el ecosistema expansivo de socios de NetDocuments ha enriquecido la plataforma NetDocuments y la experiencia del cliente, particularmente durante los últimos años. El evento concluirá con la segunda presentación anual de los premios Partner Awards.

Con más de una semana para que comience la conferencia, la asistencia de Inspire 2021 ya ha superado los récords anteriores y se espera que el registro global total sea de 1,200 +. Los días de sesiones de conferencias virtuales de duración maratónica han terminado ... al menos en Inspire. Cada día presenta cuatro horas de contenido profesional entregado en varias zonas horarias para adaptarse a nuestra diversa red global de clientes, socios y prospectos.

Los aspectos más destacados de Inspire 2021 incluyen:

  • NetDocuments Hackathon: This inaugural Hackathon features unique integration possibilities between NetDocuments and Microsoft Power Automate. Power Automate is Microsoft’s fastest growing cloud integration platform. The hackathon response was fantastic, with fourteen teams competing. Teams spent six weeks developing the solutions to solve real-world problems like matter open workflow, docketing and other self-service solutions. Submissions were focused on practical problems. The top five finalists will receive donations to charities of their choice. Winners of NetDocuments’ inaugural Hackathon will be announced on noviembre 2.
  • NetDocuments Customer Awards: In addition to Customer Zero, first awarded in 2019, NetDocuments will recognize a Security Champion; Adoption Hero; Integration Maven; Legal Project Management Champion, and Business Expansion.
  • NetDocuments Partner Awards: In this second annual awards program, the NetDocuments team recognizes the partner ecosystem’s dedication to NetDocuments customers across all business and global segments, ISV channel excellence, and implementation partner of the year.
  • NetDocuments Blueprint Series: Focused on practical solutions to common problems, the Blueprint Series debuts at Inspire with three sessions: how to do closing rights ; how to do litigation workflows right; and, how to do information security right.
  • Dependable Innovation Customer Stories: From the perspective of the customer, learn about real-world application of NetDocuments.

“Estamos encantados de mostrar los diferentes tipos de innovación que nuestros clientes y socios han desarrollado aprovechando la plataforma NetDocuments”, declaró el director ejecutivo de NetDocuments, Josh Baxter. “Si bien vemos ejemplos de su creatividad e innovación durante todo el año, es gratificante compartir sus resultados con toda la comunidad de NetDocuments. Hablando de innovación, nuestro Hackathon inaugural ha producido algunas soluciones increíbles de NetDocuments Microsoft Power Automate y estamos ansiosos por reconocer los ganadores."

Interested in attending Inspire 2021? conozca más or register today!

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Acerca de NetDocuments

Founded in 1999, with more than 4,000 enterprise customers worldwide, NetDocuments is the legal industry’s most trusted cloud-based content services and productivity platform. Complete with state-of-the-art built-in security, compliance, and governance solutions, NetDocuments offers document management, email management and collaboration technology complete with disaster recovery, enterprise search, and matter centricity features. For more information about NetDocuments, please click here.


Contacto con los medios de NetDocuments

Jobst Elster

Agencia Envision

+1 (850) 459-4947

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Contacto de prensa

ATENCIÓN: Relaciones con la prensa 459-4947