Estamos en un clima en el que trabajar a distancia se ha convertido en la norma, casi de la noche a la mañana. Sin embargo, antes de la pandemia, esta tendencia ya estaba en marcha gracias a la mayor adopción de tecnologías en la nube. De hecho, la 2019 ILTA Technology Survey1 reveló que el 70% de los encuestados había trasladado las soluciones de nómina a la nube, y otro 66% dijo que había trasladado el almacenamiento de correo electrónico a la nube. En NetDocuments, hemos estado habilitando esta tendencia durante años, ya que los bufetes de abogados y los equipos legales corporativos buscaban una verdadera experiencia en la nube que brindara una mayor movilidad y flexibilidad a sus abogados y equipos.
ndMail, our 100% cloud architected email management system (EMS), brings ease-of-use and mobility to legal teams, as meeting legal and IT teams where they work is a critical part of what makes cloud email management successful.
Debido a que está 100% basado en la nube, ndMail para Office 365 brinda a los clientes la flexibilidad de trabajar en cualquier lugar donde Outlook trabaje. Para los usuarios finales, funciona en Windows, Mac o Web. También funciona en cualquier tableta o teléfono, independientemente de dónde se encuentren en el debate entre Android y Apple. Para los equipos de TI de backend, funciona si su organization ya ha movido sus servidores de Exchange a la nube o si todavía está ejecutando Exchange local. En otras palabras, el hecho de que ndMail sea todo en la nube no significa que el backend de correo electrónico de nuestros clientes deba ser todo en la nube.
NetDocuments ha liderado la industria en movilidad y gestión de documentos y correo electrónico basada en la nube durante los últimos 20 años, lo que ha inspirado a otros proveedores de gestión de documentos y correo electrónico a esforzarse por seguir su ejemplo. Si bien otras soluciones pueden ofrecer características locales e intentar lograr una verdadera solución en la nube para múltiples inquilinos, no tener una solución completamente basada en la nube significa que estos proveedores simplemente no pueden ofrecer los mismos beneficios que una verdadera solución basada en la nube, como ndMail. . Éstas incluyen:
You want a prediction, not a suggestion. While these terms seem similar at a glance, once you get under the hood, things become very different. Suggestions are guesses and do not improve over time. On the other hand, predictions are based on past usage by everyone in the organization so they get smarter and more accurate overtime. ndMail offers email filing predictions based on AI making email filing faster and more accurate for users.
Many companies claim to be cloud based and to also offer server-side filing. However, it’s a red flag is if they ask you to install a server in your office to achieve server-side email filing. True cloud providers don’t require this of their customers. Another red flag is if they ask you to move to client-side filing. Client-sided filing requires a users’ software and device to do the heavy lifting, causing latency and providing a poor user experience. ndMail offers server-side filing because we want NetDocuments robust and proven 20 year cloud technology to do the heavy lifting to get your emails filed, not your users’ devices.
While some providers claim their solution works with Office 365, if they don’t offer the latest add-in technology, users won’t be able to file emails from Outlook to their DMS while on-the-go. To ensure that email filing is complete and efficient for users, ndMail offers Office add-in integration technology, which is the only add-in solution from Microsoft that brings anywhere availability to vendors integrating with Outlook. It’s also simple for IT teams to roll out remotely since ndMail for Office 365 can easily be deployed to all users with just a few clicks and doesn’t require any local install on users’ devices. ndMail for Office 365 works everywhere Outlook does, from anywhere in the world, on any device.
If you have a patchworked quilt approach to a DMS, getting consistent search results will be challenging. For example, you may get different results if you search your DMS from your EMS than you might if you searched within the DMS itself. When a vendor offers various hosted and cloud options, organizations can end up with numerous servers and databases where data gets stored and siloed. Add in acquired technology that’s not consistently or seamlessly integrated into those various platforms, and users can get different search results from the EMS compared to when searching from the DMS. With NetDocuments’ true cloud platform provides, regardless of where you query the search from, your search results are the same.
Nearly overnight many businesses have been forced to quickly adapt to a remote working norm. This pivot can be dramatic and difficult if the right technologies aren’t in place. But the shift doesn’t have to be scary or difficult if you’re working with an experienced SaaS partner. That’s where NetDocuments comes in. We can help your users continue to provide the high level of services your clients are accustomed to without missing a beat. To learn more, schedule a demo to talk with a business expert and see how we can make the switch easy and painless as possible. We are all in this together.
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