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Stay Connected and Productive: Why Law Firms Must Embrace Cloud-Based Document Management for Remote Work

agosto 27, 2024

Transitioning from on-premises systems to cloud technology offers numerous advantages for small law firms. Our series has covered financial benefits, scalability, strengthened security and compliance, and improved performance and reliability. This article will explore how cloud-based document management systems (DMS) support flexible work environments and foster effective collaboration with clients and colleagues.

The Need for Flexible Work Environments in Law Firms

Stereotypes of the legal industry conjure up images of rigid work structures, grueling hours, mountains of paperwork, and negligible work-life balance. In recent years, however, those expectations have shifted dramatically in favor of flexible work environments that empower legal professionals to work from anywhere without compromising productivity.

But this flexibility is more than just a trend driven by younger generations entering the workforce. Surveys indicate that 95% of workers want the option to work remotely, and 85% view technology as critical to a work-from-anywhere future.  

Flexibility is also a strategic necessity, particularly as law firms increasingly handle cases that span multiple jurisdictions, requiring constant connectivity and collaboration, regardless of physical location. External events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, further underscore the need for remote capabilities.  

For law firms aiming to stay competitive and efficient, embracing cloud-based solutions that support remote work and collaboration is essential.   

On-Premises Systems Struggle to Support Remote Work

On-premises document management systems have significant limitations when it comes to remote work. Accessing documents via VPN and remote desktop services can be convoluted, slow, and unreliable, creating considerable productivity roadblocks as lawyers need quick and dependable access to their case files.

“Prior to deploying the new DMS, we were only able to access documents remotely via a hosted desktop,” explains Martin Langan, chairman and innovation director at legalmatters. “If staff needed to access a document while out of the office or over the weekend, they had to go through the rigmarole of logging into the hosted desktop each time. We needed a cloud-based DMS that gave us great agility and security.”

This series has already covered the security risks associated with on-premises systems. But it's worth noting that having a secure process for remote access isn’t always enough. The reality is that when performing tasks the 'right way' is too complicated or inconvenient, employees are more likely to find risky workarounds — such as emailing documents to personal accounts or using unsecured cloud storage.

In today's world, lawyers should be able to access confidential client documents from anywhere. Law firms are responsible for implementing technology that ensures the process is smooth, secure, and reliable.

The Challenge of Collaboration with On-Premises Systems

Effective collaboration is crucial in legal practice, but on-premises systems can impede this process. Sharing documents with colleagues or clients often involves cumbersome email attachments or physical copies, leading to version control issues and delays. Remote collaboration is particularly challenging, as these systems lack the real-time editing and sharing capabilities needed for efficient teamwork.

Moreover, integrating on-premises systems with other essential legal tools, such as case management software or legal research databases, can be difficult and costly. This fragmentation results in inefficient workflows and increased potential for errors, negatively impacting overall productivity and client service.  

Cloud-Based Document Management Makes Remote Work and Collaboration Seamless

A cloud-based DMS offers the flexibility legal professionals need in today's work environment. Cloud solutions enable lawyers to securely access files and complete tasks from any location. There's no need for clunky VPN connections or dicey, unsecured workarounds. Instead, legal professionals can stay productive and provide superior client service no matter where they are.

Collaboration is another area where cloud-based technology excels over its on-premises forerunners — in fact, 80% of employees say that remote collaboration is better than, or equally as good as, collaborating in person.  

Cloud DMS enables real-time document sharing and editing, allowing multiple team members to work on the same document simultaneously without the delays and version control issues associated with on-premises applications.  

Legal professionals using cloud-based DMS can also easily and securely collaborate with clients, further enhancing the level of service they provide. Switching to the cloud was thus a strategic move for Coleman Greig: “We wanted to move more to a collaborative environment,” explains former CEO Warren McLean, who oversaw the transition. “Collaborating, not just amongst our team, but also amongst our client base, was paramount. We needed a DMS that would make it seamless.”

Yet another benefit? Cloud-based solutions integrate seamlessly with other essential legal tools, such as case management software, email platforms, and legal research databases. This integration streamlines workflows, ensuring all relevant information is easily accessible within a unified platform.  

Conclusion: Legal Work is Better in the Cloud

The shift towards remote work and collaboration represents a lasting change in the legal industry. Cloud-based document management systems provide the flexibility, security, and collaborative capabilities necessary to thrive in this new landscape. In contrast, on-premises systems fall short, presenting numerous challenges that hinder productivity and efficiency.

For law firms still relying on on-premises systems, now is the time to make the switch to cloud-based document management. By adopting cloud technology, firms can ensure they are well-equipped to meet the demands of modern legal practice, enhancing their ability to work remotely and collaborate effectively.

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