From the state to federal level, cybersecurity within government spaces is a crucial part of daily operations, and failure to anticipate evolutions in criminal behavior and tactics can be devastatingly costly. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) found that over the past year, cyber incidents have impacted many companies, non-profits, and other organizations of all sizes and across multiple sectors of the economy. According to the IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index for 2022, server access attacks were the most common type against the public sector in 2021. Government targeting was global, with 50% in Asia, 30% in North America, and 10% each for the Middle East and Africa.
Con la seguridad nacional, las finanzas y la confianza pública en juego, las entidades gubernamentales son un objetivo común para los ataques cibernéticos. Para mejorar la seguridad cibernética y la resiliencia, CISA señala que los líderes senior deben estar comprometidos y ser conscientes de los riesgos cibernéticos para sus organizaciones y adoptar un enfoque proactivo para prepararse para la probabilidad y el impacto de un compromiso potencialmente dañino.
Si bien no existe una única solución integral para la seguridad cibernética infalible, saber cómo identificar e implementar la combinación correcta de soluciones seguras en su ecosistema digital existente es fundamental para evitar una posible falla catastrófica en todo el sistema. Pero, ¿qué características debe buscar al comprar software y soluciones basadas en la nube que respondan a la Orden Ejecutiva (EO) sobre Ciberseguridad y mantengan el enfoque de seguridad de varias capas necesario para proteger los datos confidenciales?
Las grandes bases de datos que contienen información altamente confidencial hacen que las entidades gubernamentales sean particularmente atractivas para los piratas informáticos. Un ataque exitoso contra una base de datos del gobierno puede otorgar a un delincuente un gran pago de datos extremadamente confidenciales que luego pueden usar para cometer una multitud de otros delitos más adelante. Además, el ancho de banda limitado para detectar y resolver las infracciones de seguridad de manera oportuna brinda a los ciberdelincuentes amplios puntos de entrada y tiempo para causar daños significativos antes de que la brecha de seguridad pueda identificarse y repararse.
Cyberattacks can take many forms and each breach, no matter how small, can have a catastrophic ripple effect that can take a long time to rectify and put personal data, supply chains, and critical infrastructure at risk. Even simple mistakes like losing a hard drive or misplacing a device with access to classified databases can be the perfect opportunity for bad actors to gain unlimited access to names, addresses, social security numbers, and other sensitive data.
The Covid-19 pandemic increased vulnerabilities for many government and health organizations that led to ransomware being downloaded by unwitting parties onto multiple personal, hospital, and government-owned devices. This granted hackers the ability to access restricted documents, patient information, government-held data, and even bank accounts. In 2021, a phishing campaign was sent through the email marketing platform Constant Contact, in which cybercriminals masqueraded as representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). These emails were sent to over 3,000 individual accounts within 150 organizations worldwide and contained malicious URLs and malware that, when clicked, could enable the hackers to steal sensitive data and infect other computers within a shared network.
In the perhaps most famous government-related cyberattack in recent history, information technology firm SolarWinds was targeted by hackers in March of 2020 who injected malicious code into the company’s routine software updates that were then distributed throughout all installed systems. The breach went undetected for months and exposed their customer base, which includes the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Treasury Department among others. The efforts to repair the damage will be an extremely expensive and time-consuming process, potentially taking years to understand the full impact.
The right technology can provide countless opportunities to streamline workflows, store and reference extensive documentation and records, and free up employee time, but security needs to be a critical deciding factor when shopping for new solutions. Here are a few key security features that government agencies should look for and prioritize when choosing new technology for their organization.
Cualquier solución que introduzca en su pila de tecnología actual no debería interferir con las operaciones diarias, pero lo ideal es que se integre con ellas de forma transparente y segura. Las mejores soluciones son aquellas que no requieren que los empleados salten de una aplicación a otra para realizar una tarea. Cada nueva contraseña para rastrear o programa para monitorear puede presentar nuevos riesgos de seguridad, por lo que cuantas menos plataformas se necesiten para realizar flujos de trabajo normales, mejor.
The best solutions list all of their partners and integrations either on their website or in their discovery briefing. Carefully considering your current tools, your goals, and how a new solution will integrate and not only enhance your current system, but also add to your security.
El Programa Federal de Gestión de Autorizaciones y Riesgos (FedRAMP), regido por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU., proporciona a los proveedores de tecnología un enfoque estandarizado para garantizar la seguridad de sus ofertas de servicios en la nube. Aunque esta autorización solo se aplica al software que almacena datos en la nube, con muchas soluciones locales heredadas, que ahora ofrecen SaaS, la autorización de FedRAMP debería ser un requisito mínimo para la tecnología que utilizarán las entidades gubernamentales.
FedRAMP authorization ensures that a technology provider has met rigorous compliance and security standards set by the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) for properly protecting federal data stored in commercial cloud service providers. By narrowing down your search to only FedRAMP authorized solution providers, you can confidently search for the right solution that can help you securely achieve your information management goals.
Con varios niveles de autorización de seguridad disponibles para los empleados del gobierno, la capacidad de permitir que los miembros clave del personal configuren reglas de seguridad basadas en perfiles y permitan o deshabiliten el acceso a cierta información a nivel de usuario es una característica valiosa. Las sólidas funciones de administración y gobierno de la seguridad le permiten crear y aplicar políticas de seguridad a usuarios y grupos de usuarios, creando una forma simple pero poderosa de mejorar la seguridad.
This is especially important in multi-tenant cloud solutions, where a software’s primary infrastructure is being used by multiple customers with any number of user accounts within that main customer account. An example of a multi-tenant solution and its security is Netflix, where a single platform is used globally, but each customer account can set up custom profiles with various levels of permissions for each user, such as parents limiting what their kids can watch when logged into their unique profile. With customizable profiles, you can control access to sensitive material at a granular level.
As a leading FedRAMP authorized cloud-based document management system (DMS), security and compliance measures are built into every aspect of our platform. We are committed to providing government entities with an easier way to securely store, manage, search, and share information within their organization.
View this benefits sheet and contact us to learn more about how NetDocuments is the most secure and trusted document management solution for government. Let’s connect!